Tuesday, July 11, 2017

6 - Routine for Weekly Planning

You've successfully setup your planner, completed your Passion Roadmap, and made your first Passion Plan! Now what?

Now is when you really get into a routine and start really getting organized. Choose a day (I like either Saturday or Sunday) that you set aside 30 minutes to 1 hour preparing for the week ahead.

  • Input all of your mandatory appointments in your calendar including classes, work, doctor's appointments, kids' activities, etc. If you're like me, you'll probably already have some of these put in ahead of time. Honestly, as soon as I know a date and time for something, it goes right into my weekly spread. You could also use your monthly spread to put future dates and then use that to transfer into your weekly spread on your planning days.
  • I like to block out the time and color code things. I use an old shopper's card to draw straight lines to block out time-frames. Here are some examples of how you can color code, but the sky is the limit or you can just use pencil - whatever makes you happy!
    • Weekends - Highlight in pink
    • Work hours - Highlight in yellow
    • My time - Purple
    • Son's activities - Red
    • Daughter's activities - Pink
    • Family activities - Green

  • Then, you can finish by planning other things, like Personal/Work To-Dos for the week, Daily Focus, or even block out dinner time and what you're planning for dinner that night. 

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